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Application Process

What is the application process?
Step 1: Choose the program
Step 2: Start your online application on China Admissions platform
Step 3: Complete your application (fill it in, upload the documents, pay the application fee)
Step 4: Submit your application – under the China Admissions Team review
Step 5: China Admissions submit your application to the University – under the University review
Step 6: University Invitation for Online Interview / Entrance Exam (for qualified candidates)
Step 7: Final Admissions Result
How long is the application process?

Once your application is submitted on the China Admissions platform, our team will double-check to make sure everything is correct and completed. When everything’s completed, we’ll then submit your application to the University and update you along the way.

Generally, universities need about 4-8 weeks to process the applications until they can give the final result, but the exact duration varies depends on the University as some might take longer to process.

How to complete the online application?
First of all, to start your online application, you need to create an account (or login) here https://apply.china-admissions.com/account/login/
Here is the video tutorial on how to apply https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tNXgr6fqRHc&t=286s
What is the application process for PhD application?

PhD students must get a supervisor acceptance letter.

Read more information here https://www.china-admissions.com/blog/phd-application-process-chinese-universities/

How to get supervisor acceptance letter for my PhD application?
You must contact the professor at the University you are applying. Normally, you can contact them by email to ask him/her to become your PhD Supervisor, write your research interest and attach your CV and research proposal so they get to know you better too. The list of the professors can be found on the University’s website.
What to do after my application has been submitted to China Admissions?
Our admissions staff will review your application and then submit it to the University once everything’s completed. We will follow up regularly with the university and update you (usually by email).
Note: some universities give results on a first come first serve basis while others will process at specific dates, for example, after the closing application date (e.g. June 30th onwards)


What are the required documents?

Here’s the list of documents required https://www.china-admissions.com/blog/required-documents/

In addition, most universities will also ask students to submit the following additional documents:

  • Non-Criminal Record
  • Foreigners Physical Examination Form
I don't have all the required documents now, can I submit them later?

Applying as early as possible is really important. If you don’t have all the documents now, you can often submit your application now and send the remaining documents later.

But, make sure to complete all of the required documents (and pay the application fee) before the application deadline, because Chinese universities don’t consider late applications.

Application Fees

What is application fee?

The application fee is non-refundable and required by the University to process your application. It covers the cost of preparing your admissions letter and visa form and sending it to you in your home country.

Why do I have to pay the application fee?

The application fee is required by the University to process your application. It covers the cost of preparing your admissions letter and visa form and sending it to you in your home country.

The application fee is always paid before admission and it’s not refundable, no matter whether you get the admission or not.

How much is the application fee?

The application fee is different in each University, but usually, it is around US$ 80-150 each.

How to pay the application fee?
You can make the application fee payment here: https://pay.china-admissions.com/
You can pay by wechat, alipay, bank transfer, western union, or bank card. Please send us the receipt after you’ve paid so we can check and confirm it has been received successfully.
Can the application fee be refunded?
Application fees are non-refundable after it has been paid, for example if you do not get accepted, or you apply but you decide to discontinue with your application.
You can read our Refund Policy here https://www.china-admissions.com/refund-policy/

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