Peking University BiMBA Online Class Details
- 主办:北京大学国家发展研究院MBA中心
- 合办:北京大学创业训练营
- 主题:城市化2.0与中国经济增长潜力 暨 北大国发院MBA项目宣讲会
- 时间:2021年5月15日(周六)14:00-16:00
- 地点:北京大学创业训练营,本次活动同时提供在线直播
- 语言:中文
- 议程:
- 14:00-14:30 北大国发院MBA项目介绍
- 14:30-15:30 姚洋教授讲座:城市化2.0与中国经济增长潜力
- 15:30-15:45 讲座答疑
- 15:45-16:00 MBA申请答疑
About Guest Speaker
About Beijing International MBA (BiMBA) at Peking University
BiMBA at Peking University, established in 1998 by Prof. Justin Yifu Lin (former Chief Economist and Senior Vice President of the World Bank) and his colleagues, is the first Sino-foreign MBA program in Beijing approved by the Chinese government. It is a joint educational venture between the National School of Development (NSD) at Peking University and its global partners. BiMBA now operates two joint MBA programs: PKU-UCL MBA and PKU-Vlerick MBA.
Today, BiMBA has two available MBA programs, the PKU – UCL MBA Programme and PKU – Vlerick MBA Programme.

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