International Students Dive into Taster Classes at XJTLU

Since July 22nd, over 100 international students from around the globe have embarked on a vibrant Chinese language summer school journey at XJTLU, spanning a dynamic 4-week programme. Led by the esteemed Modern Language Center, equipped with experienced Chinese educators, these students are set to undergo an immersive learning experience aimed at significantly boosting their language proficiency and preparing them for real-world applications.

To enhance their academic exploration, X-Global Office has curated a captivating series of “Taster Class” sessions. These sessions offer a sneak peek into XJTLU’s diverse degree programmes and are scheduled every Wednesday and Friday afternoon throughout the initial two weeks. Covering a broad spectrum of disciplines highly sought-after by international students—including Business, Architecture, Civil Engineering, Science, Film and TV Arts, and Computer Science—the Taster Classes have garnered enthusiastic participation from students.

IBSS –  Marketing in The Digital and Intelligent Era

 In light of advancements in AI-driven algorithms and the rise of private label brands such as Brandless, traditional marketing faces considerable challenges today. This course delves into the evolving impact of modern marketing on our economy and society amidst the digital and intelligent era. Students were divided into groups and completed the group work and presentation with the guidance of Dr. Miaomiao Liu from IBSS.

SOFTA –  School Tour and student-made TV Arts Show Viewing

Students touring our amazing SOFTA school get an exclusive look at the intricate workings of TV show production. They witness firsthand the magic behind the scenes, from scripting to shooting, and even post-production editing. After an insightful tour, they unwind in our state-of-the-art theater, where they indulge in viewing a captivating short TV show crafted by our talented students.

XJTLU’s dedicated academic faculty from various schools have actively engaged with students through stimulating lectures and hands-on lab sessions. The interactive nature of these classes has fostered a dynamic exchange of knowledge and ideas, leaving students invigorated and inspired.

SCI –  Hands-on Science: Aspirin Synthesis

Guided by Senior Associate Professor Eric Amigues, students delved into the intricate process of synthesizing aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid). This engaging experience not only provided practical insights into pharmaceutical chemistry but also sparked their curiosity and enthusiasm for scientific exploration. In addition, it underscored XJTLU’s commitment to hands-on learning and academic excellence, leaving a lasting impression on the students.

CEN – Engineering Design Achieves the Beauty of Structure

The students’ task is to design and construct a basic bridge structure capable of withstanding varying loads. They were divided into four groups, each group brainstormed, sketched, and meticulously folded their papers, transforming them into miniature marvels of engineering. Through this hands-on experience, the students not only learned the practical applications of engineering principles but also developed teamwork and problem-solving skills. It was more than a competition; it was a journey of discovery and innovation—a testament to the power of creativity and knowledge in shaping the builders of tomorrow.
Undoubtedly, the “Taster Classes” project has proven to be transformative. From conducting groundbreaking experiments to exploring diverse fields of study across XJTLU’s campuses, students have gained invaluable perspectives and skills that promise to shape their academic trajectories and future endeavors positively. This international exchange not only strengthens cultural bonds but also underscores XJTLU’s unwavering commitment to nurturing global education and fostering innovation.

Microsoft – AI product Testing: Real Focus Group Activity

Students embark on a unique journey of real-life product testing alongside Microsoft, whose China R&D headquarters are nestled in Suzhou. They dive into the heart of business development, gaining invaluable insights into the intricate workings of corporate strategies. Engaging in focus groups, the students focused on discussion of the topic of “Search on Mobile”, they talked about when and how to search on Mobile and sparked many creative ideas with presentations.

ARC –  Unveiling Bamboo Architecture

Students embark on a journey of discovery, peeling back the layers of perception surrounding bamboo—an often overlooked marvel in the realm of architecture. Through hands-on experiments and design challenges, students witness bamboo’s potential firsthand. They craft models and prototypes, witnessing how this resilient grass can form the backbone of future eco-friendly buildings.
This article was originally published by XJTLU Global.

Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University

Xi’an Jiaotong – Liverpool University (XJTLU) is an emerging international educational institution established through a collaborative effort between China’s Xi’an Jiaotong University and the University of Liverpool in the UK. As a unique Sino-Foreign cooperative university, it embodies the best qualities of its esteemed parent institutions and holds the distinction of being the sole university of its kind sanctioned by China’s Ministry of Education.

XJTLU provides undergraduate degree programs in the domains of science, engineering, and management, conferring degrees both from its own Chinese accreditation and the University of Liverpool.

Learn more and apply for XJTLU’s programs through the China Admissions platform.

Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (XJTLU) is an international joint venture university founded by Xi’an Jiaotong University in China and the University of Liverpool in the United Kingdom. As an independent Sino-foreign cooperative university, it captures the essence of both prestigious parent universities and is the largest of such universities approved by the Ministry of Education in China.

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